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What is Cosmetic Acupuncture (and why do I want to try it?)?

Updated: Apr 16, 2022

By now, most people have heard of acupuncture and how it is great for many specific ailments, from pain to stress management to powerfully helping with fertility. The amazing bonus of acupuncture is a little known specialty called “Cosmetic Acupuncture”, also known as Facial Acupuncture, or Facial Rejuvenation.

Cosmetic acupuncture works on the same principles as any other kind of acupuncture, but with the additional benefit of focusing on the appearance of the face. But why go to an acupuncturist when you can just go to an esthetician? Cosmetic acupuncture from the well-trained practitioner will also seek to improve your overall health. You can’t look truly healthy if you don’t feel well. Our motto at Vitality Natural Therapies is that we help you feel better, so that you can look better; and that we help you look better, so that you can feel better!

The truth is that your health shows up on your face! So improving health is key to putting the sparkle in your eyes, and the glow in your skin. Cosmetic acupuncture will work on the whole person— first to improve your health, and then to focus on smoothing the skin, minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and lifting sagging muscles.

The best way to get started is to book a short consultation online. There is a small fee which we will apply in full to the next treatment you schedule within 10 days from your consultation. For best results, ask about booking a series - we definitely recommend at least 12 weekly treatments to see lasting results.

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