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This Eczema Patient got RESULTS in 6 weeks ... after dermatologists weren't helpful for 2 1/2 yrs!

My patient is so excited that she sent me this email (and told me to share it!). She suffered from a disruptive and super itchy eczema outbreak after her first vaccination. (Please don't see this as an anti-vaxx reason: some people get eczema or other kinds of virus reactivation from *having* the virus! So either way, the immune system has more than it can handle).

After more than two years of seeking treatment, and finding no help but steroids, the dermatologist offered to put her on Dupixent. This twice monthly injection would cost $1400 per injection, and has a long list of side effects. Her husband emailed me and I said I thought I could help, so we set up an appointment to chat. E. was at the end of her rope: the itching was driving her crazy and nothing really helped, and she was worried that the steroids were harming her skin. She said that just even talking to me made her feel better.

Her first custom eczema herbal medicine formula prescription (along with some appropriate topicals) was called into the Chinese Medicine Pharmacy on March 9th, 2023 and shipped to her on March 14th with a 15 day supply of the decoction (conveniently already prepared by the pharmacy). I wanted her to try it just for a couple of weeks before she committed to a longer time taking it. Together with the topicals, she was feeling better almost as soon as she started taking the herbs. The "soothing gel" gave her an "Ahhhhhh" feeling of relief immediately.

After a week of initial progress and another chat to check in, we re-ordered the decoction and re-ordered the topicals, to allow her to continue for another month before we checked in again. That third appointment was today. In advance of her appointment, she wrote me this email. In her words:

I want to detail for you some of the wonderful effects I have experienced.

1) I am experiencing far less itching than previously.

2) There are almost no new eruptions.

3) Because of the decrease in itching, I am not scratching, thus no bleeding.

4) The Regenicare has had a big impact on the healing of the two ulcers on my shins. More healing than I’ve had in months with just the Mupiricin.

And, 5) I’m not sure this is connected, but I’ve regained my sense of smell, which I’ve not had in over 5 years!!

... I thought you’d be pleased to hear of the success I’ve had so far.

With gratitude,

We still have some months of treatment ahead of us, but she's seen more progress since starting her formula in mid-March than she's seen in more than two years, with many interventions by dermatologists.

PS: I actually had no idea she didn't have a sense of smell. I didn't think to ask that particular question, and it didn't come up! I asked her if she could account for this recovery and she really thought that it must be this treatment! Now, she says, food tastes more delicious instead of being kind of 'meh'.

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