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Testimonial: Acupuncture gives lasting help for severe headaches

Here's a testimonial from a patient I first saw two years ago, when she found that her Western Medical team wasn't able to help her with her constant horrible headache. In just one treatment, the pain was suddenly gone, and never came back. This relief has continued through the years, without returning, and so she wanted to tell you about that in her own words, in this very short video. Acupuncture is great for giving customized treatments for the same complaint in different individuals, and this customization is why it often works so well for people. I can't promise that one treatment will ever resolve any issue, although sometimes it does when I ask the right questions and work hard on getting the diagnosis right. A thorough intake process as well as a comprehensive history provide the keys to choosing the right treatment(s). Sometimes it is really a matter of narrowing the options down to several things, and trying them in sequence, so please give your practitioner the chance to really make a difference by being willing to schedule a series of treatments.

For headaches, I've had fairly consistent success with many kinds of headaches! Since this patient always mentions her headache miracle cure whenever I see her, I finally asked her if she'd do a video testimonial to help other people who might have stubborn chronic headaches. I also love to treat anything stress-related, because acupuncture can be really helpful with regulating your central nervous system. Schedule an appointment using our online appointment scheduler today!

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